How To Visualise Your Goals And Get What You Want

You have goals and aspirations, but do you know how to visualise your goals and the techniques to get what you want?

Hi Trish Davies, Here, founder of and Today I want to focus on goal setting and using visualisation to help you achieve those goals. When you can visualise your goals, it is like you are living that dream, feeling it and being in the moment.

It is a strategy that most successful entrepreneurs use and there are many techniques that you can use. More on those in just a few moments. It is a simple fact that when you can visualise yourself doing something successfully  you are far more likely to live that experience.

When you have your dreams and desires in your mind you start to imagine them happening. Then you start to belief things can happen and those strong beliefs will help you turn your dreams into reality.

Now there are some tried and trusted techniques that you can leverage to manifest what you want in life. I am going to share these techniques with you today so that you can start to visualise your goals. Then turn those vivid images into things that you can hold, feel, live out and experience everything you want out of life.  

6 Techniques To Help You Visualise Your Goals 

Write Down Your Ideal Day 

ideal day

I recommend you start with this technique because it is very powerful and will give you clarity. It will give you the clarity of what you actually want so to grab yourself a pen and paper or start up a document on your computer.

Whatever works for you but sometimes using a pen and a piece of paper makes things more tangible. You are physically crafting and creating what your ideal day looks like, it is literally at your fingertips.

Start off by thinking about what your ideal day consists of, where are you, who are you with and what are you doing? Get in that moment, how does it make you feel, is it defining your purpose in life?

I think having a purpose is crucial because you want your ideal day to benefit you, how you would act, how you behave. Then think of multiple ideal days because this could create a sequence that would create your ideal week. This would help you visualise your goals day in and day out.

Use Focus Meditation 

When you use focus meditation it helps you focus on your goals and desires. It is important that you are comfortable and in a quiet place so you can sit back and relax. Try to get you mind and body into a calm state, slow your breathing down and be at peace with the world.

Then start to think about your goals and desires as if you have already manifested them into your life. I use meditation a lot and find it really helps focus on what I want in life, what I want to attract into my life.

So much so I have created a number of meditation sessions over on my YouTube channel. Click here to experience my Law Of Attraction Meditation Session, then subscribe to my channel to receive further notifications.

Listen To Music 

listen to music

Listening to music often relaxes you, it calms you down and alleviates stress. You can use music to visualise you goals if you choose the right music. Before you start looking through your favourite playlists I want you to write down your visions and your goals.

Then chose the songs that resonate the most with you and are relevant to your goals. The final step is to press the play button, start listening to the songs and visualise achieving your goals alongside the music.

Create Affirmations 

A close friend of mine is probably the biggest advocate for affirmations as she has used them to generate millions in sales. I too use them because it is a technique to positively state something and then create repetition.

What you need to do is write down your affirmations at least 100 times. Your affirmations are your goals and what you want to achieve. Then record your affirmations on your phone, your computer, or any other recording device.

Finally listen to them on a daily basis when you are at the gym, commuting to work and before you go to bed. Going through this process will make you feel good and will create the belief that you can achieve.

Create A Vision Board 

visualise your goals

You create a vision of your goals in many different ways. The most popular is to create a vision board and then have it in a prominent place within your home or office.

Go down to your local office supplies store and buy a whiteboard or good old fashioned pin board. Then find images online and offline and pin them to your board. There are no limits to what you can have, make sure you stuff your board full of what you want.

Then take a picture of it on your phone, make that the background image for your phone and your computer. Print it out and have it on your person at all times. You must create an environment around you where you always have access to what you want in life.

Use The Law Of Attraction 

If you are unaware of the Law Of Attraction this is basically what it stands for. The Law Of Attraction is the idea that your universe attracts what thoughts you send out. Now that may sound a bit out there and I suppose it is but here is an example.

When you focus on being positive and have belief you can achieve your goals then those thoughts and beliefs will turn into reality. Likewise, if you think negatively and have limiting belief then you won’t achieve anything.

The Law Of Attraction gives you the ability to attract what you are thinking and focusing on into your life. Your thoughts are the designers of your reality! Here is the link to my Law Of Attraction meditation session as it will help you understand this concept.

There are 6 techniques to help you visualise your goals. Use as many as you need, try them all to see what helps you the best to visualise your goals. Let me know in the comments below how you get on and how you turn those goals into reality.

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Trish Davies

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