If You Are Undecided On What Business To Start From Home Here Are Some Great Options

If you are looking to start a home business but are not sure what business to start from home personal branding expert Trish Davies is here to help.

Hi, Trish Davies here again and the current situation all around the world has changed the business landscape. No one saw Covid-19 coming and as we all know it has swept across the entire planet with brutal force. The total affect may well be incalculable both to the world’s economy, and loss of life but we will get clearer picture in the years to come.

That is for another day and I want to concentrate on the here and now. You may be in the same position that millions of people are facing right now. Uncertainty of the future because of losing your job or whether it will still be there when things re-open.

Many businesses have been forced to adapt their business practices with the emphasis on working from home. If you search any of the permutations of “work from home” you will see that there are thousands of results. You may have done the exact same thing and that is the reason you have landed on my website today!

This means you are looking for a solution that will generate revenue for you and your family. To give you the piece of mind that food is put on the table and you keep the roof over your head. The trouble is you may be unaware of the opportunities that are available to you, and there are many!

What Qualifies Me To Help You? 

what business to start from home

For this reason, I want to look at the subject of what business to start from home. I want to give you as much information as possible so that you can make an informed decision. A decision that will help lead you to the right business model which will give you freedom and flexibility.

Before I continue though you are possibly thinking how I am qualified to help, and that is perfectly natural. Since 2005 I have been a business owner, property investor, business coach and public speaker.

I have built up a sizable property portfolio in the USA and I am contracted to a business training company in Australia. Also, I have many online business ventures in different sectors of the digital marketing space.

Through investing thousands of dollars in my education I have learnt the skill sets necessary to work from home. Also, I have many resources available to you along with a vast network of highly successful entrepreneurs at my disposal.

I am now a personal branding expert and currently help digital entrepreneurs create their own brand online. My Build Your AU training program takes you through a process of defining your authenticity. It also establishes your authority so you can find the audience that is aligned with your products and services.

I also help you create and develop those products and services and then teach you the marketing skills you need. By the end of the process you will have your own brand so you can position yourself in your desired marketplace. To learn more about Build Your AU please click here.

What Business To Start From Home Is Affected By These Factors 

what business to start from home

Before I look at some specific business models, I must first look at some factors you must consider. These are very important and, in many ways, will define which business models suits your own circumstances.

The first thing you must consider is how much you can invest in your new business venture. There is no getting away from investment and this is the mindset you must have. You are investing in you and your family’s future so never look at it as a cost.

Some of the business models I refer to require a larger investment than others which only require a few hundred dollars. I am afraid that this is a reality in life and if you have already put up some barriers then you have two choices.

The first is to change your mindset and think like a business owner. The other is to look for different options away from setting up your own business. I make no apologies for speaking like this because business is serious and not something you should take lightly.

Another factor to consider is how much time you have on your hands. If unfortunately, you find yourself out of a job then this is not a problem. If though you still have some form of employment you must be clear on how much time you can dedicate. Although your time does not have a direct financial implication it is still something that you will be investing.

Another thing to consider is the skill sets you have at the moment. Can they be transferred into your own business or do you need some help. This help you can find within my Build Your AU training program.

Physical Product Business Model 

what business to start from home physical products

I am going to focus on 3 specific business models and give you some options within each one. The first one is a physical product business selling everyday products to the consumer marketplace. There has been an upsurge in people buying their products online due to the pandemic. Physical product retailers have been forced to close their doors, so some online retailers flourished during this crisis.

The first thing to consider is that you must have products to sell and then you must have a fulfilment process. As regard to the products it could still be logistically challenging sourcing wholesalers within your community. Depending on where you are in the world those facilities may not have opened up as yet.

In time things will get back to some kind of normal which will make it easier so wholesalers may be your first option. I am sure you are aware that wholesalers charge a trade price and then you set your retail price. The difference is your profit.

The other option for physical products is to brand them inline with your company. This branding process is very detailed and not just the case of putting a logo onto a product. I explain more about personal branding in Build Your AU.

Another term for this option is private labelling which you may or may not have heard of. You will deal directly with either sourcing agents of with the manufacturers which enables you to get better prices.

Then you need a platform to trade on. You can either set up your own ecommerce website or leverage platforms such as Amazon or eBay. Again, you must invest time and money which is part and parcel of being a business owner.

Digital Product Business Model 

what business to start from home digital products

Digital products are things such as eBooks, video courses, audio files, worksheets, newsletters etc. These are more inline with providing information which are solutions to problems people have.

In many ways this is the easiest business model to set up because it will be based upon your own knowledge. For example, if you are good at a specific sport you could write an eBook to help other people improve. This can be done simply by creating a Word Doc and then converting it to a PDF which you can then sell as a download.

You can then take that eBook and convert it into a video training course. Using applications such as PowerPoint or screen capture software you can create tutorial and modular video courses.

From those video courses you can create audio files which can be stand alone audio courses. Or you can create your own Podcasts to help create a following online. The possibilities are endless with digital products and they are inexpensive to create.

Software applications I have mentioned are relatively inexpensive. The main factor for this business model is your time which is needed to create the products. The beauty of this business model is that you only need to do the work once. Once the product is created you can sell unlimited copies of it, so the profit margins are much higher.

As I have mentioned this business model is based upon knowledge that you have which you can then take further. Which leads me nicely onto the last home business model.

Positioning Yourself As A Consultant Or Coach 

When you are an expert in your field you can leverage that authority status and sell one to one service. Consultancy and coaching are highly lucrative and with technology such as Zoom, and Skype can be easily done from home.

You can command high ticket fees for your expertise which is what I have done and still do today. Everyone starts at point A and wants to get to point B. At this level you will find that people want a quicker solution and they are happy to pay for it.

I have this in place with my Build Your AU training program for people who want to work with me exclusively. Here I can create custom plans for them to follow depending on what they want to achieve. Then we work through that plan inline with a dedicated timeframe.

By the end of the process they have achieved their goals much quicker and my expertise has been rewarded higher. This is due to the level of coaching, mentoring, and training that I have provided and the experience I have created. This is something that you can do within your own field of expertise.

You landed on this webpage looking for information on what business to start from home. I am confident that I have given you real value as regard to the options that are available. Check out my Build Your AU training program because it will define what business you should start from home.

Helping you build your authenticity, authority and audience.

Trish Davies

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Build Your AU