6 Reasons Why Personal Branding Matters

Consumers buy from people who they know, like and trust, therefore you must differentiate yourself. That’s why personal branding matters.

Hi Trish Davies, here, personal branding expert ad the founder of Build You AU. As a small business owner, you may be wondering why personal branding matters. Why is it such a big deal?

Why Personal Branding Matters 

big fish small pond

What you must realise is that you are a small fish in a very big pond. You have the potential to grow and stand out from all the other minnows and establish yourself as an authority. Have that big fish standing and swim closer to the top of the surface so that consumers find you more easily.

This is why personal branding matters because your brand will reflect you personally. What you stand for, what your values are and how you want to serve your potential audience.

This is very important because your potential audience wants to know everything about who they are dealing with. Armed with this information they can then make their informed decisions on who they want to place their trust in.

Trust is the deal breaker. If consumers don’t have that in you they will move on to someone else in your niche or industry. Your brand is what makes you stand out and unless you develop your brand you will become invisible with all the generic businesses. The ones that swim so far under the surface they hardly ever get noticed.  

Obviously that is not where you want to be. What you want is to be seen as a leader in your field and this is where you personal brand comes into play. You want you customers to connect with your business as this breeds loyalty and helps your business grow.

6 Reasons To Build A Personal Brand 

You Are Your Brand

Business is built on products and services that provide solutions to the consumer marketplace. Your products and services may be the same or similar to your competitors, so your personal brand is the differentiator.

It helps establish your authority and sets you apart from any other business. You build that authority through the content that you publish. Be it on your website, through public speaking and the networking that you do.

Your brand is you and is showcased everywhere you go. This is what people take notice of when they make their decision on who to trust.

You Will Attract The Right Customers 

why personal branding matters

This carries on from the previous point because you will naturally attract people to you and your business. Also, you will repel people who are not suited which is another good thing.

The reason is that in both situations it will save you time, effort and possibly money in the long run. Your brand is the yardstick which effectively keeps away people who won’t buy from you and draws the people in who will.

Customers Buy Through Emotion 

So, we have defined how you will attract the right people and repel the ones who are not suitable. The ones who are aligned with you will also be drawn to you through emotion.

If you can convey to people you value proposition emotionally then you will win the race. I have spoken about the know, like and trust factor. That is generated through your ability to show your honesty, integrity, empathy, and other positive emotions. That is what hooks people in.

You Establish Credibility & Authority 

What I have spoken about up to this point is what consumers are looking for. What you must do is package that up and deliver it I the first impression you make. Your brand must instantly ooze credibility and authority as personal judgments are made quickly.

You must deliver professionalism and the results to back you up. The majority of times you will only get that one chance or shot, don’t mess it up.

You Can Deliver A Message That Resonates 

We are in a time where delivering your message has never been so important. Long gone are the days where you could rely on placing advertisements and expecting people to buy from you.

Advertising and marketing needs to connect with people on an emotional and human level. You must speak to your audience in a way that creates that connection and resonates.

You do this through the content that you publish. Fortunately for you we live in an age where self publishing is very easy. Publishing channels such as your website, video hosting platforms and social media are mediums that you must leverage.

Content creation is important, and you can create articles, videos, audio which speaks to your audience. Use these formats to make people aware of who you are and then engage with them to create a relationship with them.

This will become your brand message that will be uniformed across all your publishing platforms.

Your Clients Will Become Your Advocates 

When you build your personal brand the correct way you will develop advocates for life. Your existing clients will in many ways become a silent salesforce for you. Word or mouth and referral marketing is one of the most powerful ways to gain new clients.

What better endorsement is there when someone recommends you to their family, friends, and networks. You know you are providing value and the right service when people big you up to other people. Everything I have mentioned and especially this point typifies why personal branding matters.

How Build Your AU Can Help 

personal brand coaching

I started this article stating that I am a personal branding expert. I have created my own personal brand and complimentary brands that reflect my business. Also, I have helped many people create their own personal brands through my Build Your AU programs.

Build Your AU is a process that I have created that helps you build your personal brand based upon the points I have made today. That really only scratches the surface though of building a personal brand. Build Your AU takes the whole personal branding process to a deeper level which you can learn more about by clicking here.  

If you would like to see the Build Your AU process in action then I have created a series of mastermind sessions. Each session showcases mastermind members building their personal brands in line with the process that I have created. Click on the button below and register for the series now.

build your au mastermind video series

I am sure that you now realise why personal branding matters. It sets you apart and makes you a big fish in a small pond. There is a saying that the cream rises to the top and creating a professional personal brand will help you become that cream.

Helping you build your authenticity, authority and audience.

Trish Davies

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Build Your AU