Follow This Work From Home Checklist To Ensure You Are Productive And Remain Healthy

Working from home is becoming a necessity for millions of people around the world and this work from home checklist shows what you must have in place.

work from home checklist

The world is changing into a place which will have little resemblance to what we have been used to over the last few decades. When a catastrophe affects the entire planet it really starts to make you think of what life is going to be like. We are in the eye of the storm at this present time and everyone is in a state of limbo and sheer panic.

We don’t know how long it is going to last but the repercussions are going to last with us for a long time. I live in Australia and like many countries around the world the authorities are urging us to work from home. The digital age we live in will allow many people to move their workstations from their normal workplace. They can decamp to the comfort of their own home which in any normal scenario would sound like a perfect way to make a living.

At a time of absolute necessity, it is vital that you have everything in place to make sure your working environment works for you. On a more practical note I thought it would help if I created a work from home checklist to help you stay productive.

Your Work From Home Checklist Starts With A Dedicated Workspace 

Even though you are going to be working from home you must create an environment that feels you are going to work. This starts with having a dedicated workplace within the confines of your property. If you have got some spare space or a room that is no used very often make a conscious effort to convert it to your home office.

If that is not possible then you must have a conversation with other members of your household. During that conversation you must express the importance of your work and that disturbance must be kept to a minimum. Set some ground rules to emphasis the point that you are at work.

Your workplace must function so make sure that you have everything on hand so that you can carry out your duties. A comfortable office chair is a must because you will be spending long periods of time sitting. Legroom is important so you can stretch out and not feel that you are cramped in. Finally, I functional desk so that you can compartmentalise and keep everything tidy is very important if possible.

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Ventilation is also important so that the air circulates and doesn’t become stagnant so open the windows from time to time. Lighting is equally important especially if some of your work revolves around video creation or teleconferencing. On my desk I have specialist light boxes to give the room a lighter feel especially when I am on camera.

I realise that sometimes you can’t have everything so try to make the best environment that you possible can. You will be spending a lot of time there, so you don’t want it to be a place you feel uncomfortable in.

Make Sure You Are Connected 


Hopefully you have good connectivity to the internet as it is a tool that you will need. I know that even in the most advanced countries in the world there are still problems. This may require you into getting technology that boosts your signal to your chosen workplace.

It may mean talking to your utility company to move connection points around or upgrading your hardware. Do everything that you possibly can to get online the best and fastest way. Your job or business relies on you being able to connect to all four corners of the world.

Set Your Work Hours And Keep To Them

I realise that this may be hard but set a time schedule of when you are working. It is very easy, if you are not careful, to eventually spend most of the day at your desk. Sometimes people find it hard to differentiate their work and home routine and allow both to merge.

For one thing it is not healthy to put yourself under the constant pressure that work naturally brings. The other point is that you have other people in your home who need a piece of you. If you have done what I said in the previous point of asking your family to not disturb you then that respect should be reciprocated.

When you start going over your allocated time, then resentment can creep in and your family members quality of life starts to diminish. If they are treading on eggshells for too long, then they will start to crack.

Try and make sure that you have your family time of eating and socialising together. The family discussion of “how was your day” is very important because you keep up to date with what they are doing. Especially if you have young children because it is very easy for their childhood to pass you by without realising it.

There may be sometimes in the evening that work does get in the way if you are dealing with people around the world. Time zones have restrictions and if this happens make sure you make allowances in other parts of the day.

A Healthy Body Breeds A Healthy Mind 

healthy lifestyle and diet

Usually if you work at your employer’s premises you will have allotted times where you take a break from work. Times where your mind can escape, and you can chill out and re-charge your batteries.

This must be replicated at home so take regular breaks for coffee and lunch. Get outside and take in some fresh air by gong for a quick walk. Not only does this do the brain some power of good but it does your body good as well.

As important is the fuel you put in your body during the day. Start off with a healthy breakfast and make sure that you keep hydrated during the day. Regular drinks of water are great in addition to other drinks that you have.

Lunchtime is just as important so make sure you take the time and have something light. Some people like smoothies, some a sandwich or even a yoghurt and fruit. If you have something it sets you up for the afternoon ahead.

During these times you may feel you want to escape to another place, and I find meditation is a great remedy. Even if it is 5 minutes it is a way to relax the body and empty any negative thoughts you may have built up. I go to a deep place to feel an inner peace and I then have the power to find the answers I need. Just try it as it could be a liberating experience for you.

Also, in these break times it gives you a chance to catch up socially. We all have news feeds that are constantly updated and messages coming through. Here you can catch up with the world and answer any social messages you have.

Minimising Your Distractions Is Part Of  Your Work From Home Checklist

When you work from home it is very easy to have the television on, or the radio playing in the background. Also, it is very easy to have your phone on your desk and have it connected to your social media channels.

Turn off all notifications that are not business orientated because work time is for you to be productive. If you constantly have the latest silly video pinging on your phone you will never get anything done. As I have said the time for that is your break times.

Communication Channels Are The Final Thing On My Work From Home Checklist 

You will find that working from home requires reliable communication channels because you will be constantly using them. You will need to communicate with work colleagues just as people do at regular places of work. Phone and email will be on overdrive but there are other channels that you can leverage.

Teleconferencing platforms are hugely effective yet are still in many respects an unknown resource. Every week I have groups of people coming into the premises of the training company I am contracted to. I deliver my presentations in person in training rooms, but this has now stopped for the foreseeable future. The coronavirus pandemic has resulted in face to face training sessions being suspended.

build your au mastermind members

Years ago, this would have resulted in major job losses and the possibility of training companies going under. Fortunately, we live a digital age and there are platforms that I and the company can leverage. I have an advantage over some of the training personal in the company because I use this technology in my independent online business.

It has been a challenge I must admit bringing this concept to the management and owners of the company. With great relief to me personal they are now onboard, and we are putting the necessary plan into action. Unfortunately, some of my colleagues are not so lucky and have found themselves out of contract at this time. You never know what the future brings, and nobody saw this catastrophe coming.

These Platforms Are Within Your Reach

These platforms are open to anyone and as a person working from home it is something that you must investigate. Most platforms have an entry level plan which is free, and you can have a set number of minutes per call. They come into their own when you need to hold team meetings because everyone can be on the call at the same time.

I use this technology all the time within my online business and especially when I am hosting my Build Your AU mastermind sessions. I am in Australia and I have people from the US, UK, Canada and mainland Europe on the call. Globally we can all collaborate. How cool is that?

The final point I want to make about using this technology is that working from home can become lonely. You will communicate by phone and email but sometimes it feels that there is no world beyond your home. This technology enables you to have that communication with other people but also being present with them. To many people this is a godsend.

Tomorrow I am going to talk more about this technology as a tool for you to use while working from home. I will introduce you to the platform I use and why I feel it is the best solution for staying connected to the outside world. Make sure you come back tomorrow to learn more.

You must be disciplined when you work from home and there are a lot of elements to think about. Hopefully this work from home checklist has given you a plan to work to, be productive and stay healthy.

Helping you build your authenticity, authority and audience.

Trish Davies

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Build Your AU