7 Branding Tips For Startups & Entrepreneurs

Hundreds of businesses are created every day, but many don’t think about the importance of branding. Here are 7 branding tips for startups!

Hi Trish Davies, here, personal branding expert and creator of Build Your AU. Millions of new businesses, startups, are created all round the world every year. Now the nature of this is that some will succeed, and some will fail, that is just life.

The ones who succeed have a plan that they follow based upon market research and positioning. Also, in my opinion you have a much higher chance of success if you focus on critical branding elements.

Competition is fierce therefore you must stand out; you must give people the reason to deal with you. If you get these things right from the outset then you are setting firm foundations for your business to sit upon.

Too many new business owners and entrepreneurs struggle to earn what they are truly worth. You don’t want to end up like them having to work excruciatingly long hours just to survive, there is no fun in that.

To avoid that you must work out what you need to do to put your at the top of the tree within your industry. Personal branding is the vehicle to help you do just that and stand out from all the noise.  

You Are A Brand Already In The Waiting 

branding tips for startups

Right now, you have a personal brand but possibly don’t know it or unwilling to accept it. You already have reputation, authority, credibility, professionalism contained within, you just need to express it.

When you express it people, your audience, will have their own perception of you. Emotional responses will be triggered when your audience hears your name, come across you online and when they meet you.

Now what I have just said is very important because you can control what you want people say and think about you.

You can control that those situations by asking yourself some very simple questions that will ultimately influence people. Ask yourself these questions –

  • What makes you different?
  • Define what you want to be known for?
  • When people hear you name what do you want them to think?
  • What can you do that most people can’t?

The answers to these questions will help form the foundations of your personal brand. To compliment those answers here are some branding tips for startups and entrepreneurs to build strong personal brands.

Branding Tips For Startups & Entrepreneurs 

What Is Your Why? 

You must start here and define what your purpose is, what is your why, what is your cause? When you define this, you will find your inspiration which will drive you forward.

Human nature is that you look at success in relation to the end result of an idea or concept. Behind those ideas and concepts are people who have a burning desire to make an impact on people and the world.

Those people put in the blood, sweat, tears and endless hours of dedication all directed towards their purpose. Your why must be big enough to meet all of the criteria that other successful people have. The question is now how big is your why?

You Must Be Authentic 

When I help people create personal brands this is the first area that I focus on. Authenticity is one of the three pillars I teach within my Build Your AU training program.

You must define what your passions, dreams, values and characteristics are. Through Build Your AU I take you through a self-discovery process to define what I have just mentioned. Also, I extract what you true talents and gifts are so you can present a whole and authentic presence wherever people come across you.

Your brand and authentic self must be aligned so that people see you are the real deal.

Commit To Ongoing Self Improvement 

never stop learning

This may require a mindset shift on your part. You must make an ongoing commitment to improve and upgrade your levels of mastery. This involves surrounding yourself with personal and professional self-improvement material.

That material can be books, audio, video and or any other format you can think off. The world doesn’t stand still therefore you mustn’t either. I recommend allocating an hour a day to improve some aspect of your life and your skill sets.

When you do you will be amazed at the levels of success you will achieve. Just an hour a day makes all the difference.

Position Yourself As The Expert 

You must position yourself as an expert in your chosen field. Ultimately you want to be the go to person that people know, like and trust. If you look at my online presence you will see that I am a wealth creation expert.

That expertise includes investment, personal branding, online business and marketing. When people come across me I empower and help them to find a wealth strategy and business model that will create a life of freedom and choice.

You must position yourself as no one else will do that for you. It takes a mindset shift and confidence to do this, but it will give you a competitive advantage.

Don’t Settle For Average 

Settling for average will never propel you forward, it will keep you where you are or even set you back. You must become remarkable to get noticed in today’s economy and marketplace.

You are solely responsible for your success, no one is going to give you the world on a silver platter. That means you must make a huge impact and not settle for the status quo.

You are on a playing field where you must play the game of your life. Don’t play no to lose, play to win and win big!

Write A Book 

Becoming an author gives you a high level of authority and is very powerful for branding purposes. Writing a book opens all sorts of opportunities for you and is a topic that I focused on in my previous post. Click here to learn more about how writing a book helps with branding and positioning you as authority in business.

Teach What You Know 

Whether you liked school or not you must acknowledge that teachers are people of authority. They are the forefront of any classroom or lecture hall, and they are profiting from their expertise.

You can do the same, but you don’t have to stand in a classroom or lecture hall if you don’t want to. If you create helpful and powerful information products you can potentially earn a lucrative income.

The money is a biproduct of your expertise, but the process of teaching others is very powerful when it comes to branding. Imagine having products and services with your name on them. Do you think that would position yourself as an authority in your field?

For sure it would, and it would also be huge when it comes to branding. When people go online and see you and what you can offer it will attract them to your own personal platforms. It will help convert those people into paying customers for life!

Build Your AU is designed to help you package your expertise and knowledge into an online training program.

I have shared with you 7 branding tips for startups and entrepreneurs. To learn more about building a strong personal brand click the image below and enrol onto my free 9-week personal branding program. The program will go into more detail on what I have shared with your today and a lot more.

branding tips for startups

Helping you build your authenticity, authority, and audience.

Trish Davies

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Build Your AU