How To Develop A Content Creation Strategy For Your Personal Brand

Content marketing is important to connect with customers so discover how to develop a content creation strategy for your personal brand.

Hi Trish Davies, here and I want to focus on a very important sub-pillar for your authority business model. That is content creation and today I want to share with you the importance of having a content creation strategy.

This content creation strategy is closely related to my previous post on defining your key business pillars. If you haven’t managed to read this then click here to learn more. The process contained within that post is unique to my Build Your AU programs and can be used to create your online content.

That process is brain dumping all your thoughts and ideas for your business. What your business stands for, how it can help people and who you are, what your values are.

As I have said please read the previous post to gain more context on the points I am making. You will see the following image and learn more about how I came to create it. What it is though is a vault of ideas for you to create content for your business. So, let me explain more.

Content Creation Strategy 

content creation strategy

Now this image is based upon the three pillars of your authority business model. This is the middle stage of the process to establishing your authority business model. What this image represents is my personal brain dump onto paper and post it notes.

You will gain clarity on the methodology when you read the previous post on key business pillars. Today I am focusing on content creation strategy and each of the post it notes is an idea for a piece of content.

Sometimes it is very hard to come up with ideas to write about, shoot a video about or create a podcast. If you don’t have a content creation strategy in place you can sit for hours looking at a blank screen. Just hoping that inspired thoughts come to mind for you to create content around.

When this happens, it can be very frustrating. The more frustrated you get the harder the process becomes. All this does is wastes time, time that is valuable to your business that you can never get back.

Now if you go through the process in my previous post you won’t have any trouble with content ideas. Well at least for a number of months and possible years because you have a resource that you can constantly call upon.

As you can see from the image, I clearly have my three pillars in place, they are the ones in red. Surrounding those red post it notes are ideas and topics relating to each pillar. Above, underneath and to the side post it notes that relate to each specific pillar. So how does this content creation strategy work?

This Content Creation Strategy Creates Hundreds Of Content Ideas 

excel spreadsheet

In total there are around 60 post it notes that make up the pillars for my authority business model. There aren’t any limits to the number of post it notes you have. The more there are the more ideas you will have.

Once you have gone through this process to establish your pillars and sub-pillars you need to transfer the information. The information is transferred to a good old spread sheet to keep you organised and structured. I love to be organised and structured in business because it saves time and stress in the long run.

So, you are going to take ever idea you have written down and list them under 4 categories. The categories are as follows.

  • Entertain
  • Educate
  • Inspire
  • Inform

This is a formula that two of my mastermind members use when they create content for their businesses. Each of your post it note ideas will fall into at least one of these categories so it will be easy for you to place them respectively.

It is possible that each of your ideas could fit every category therefore 4x that idea to create content around.

Once you have done this exercise you will have an organised content creation strategy in place. A place where you can always dip into when you need to create content for your business. The strategy doesn’t stop there though!

How To Now 4x The Previous Step 

Basing things on my statistics of 60 post it notes and then 4x each one with each category takes us to 240 content ideas. How would you then like to 4x that number again?

For this part of the content creation strategy I am going to share with you 4 different formats or mediums. The great thing about this though is that you don’t need to do the work four times, only once!

First lets look at the formats which is very simple as seen below.

  • Video
  • Blog Post
  • Podcast
  • Infographic

These are the main four formats that you will use when you create content for your business. Each format will be published on their relative platforms but here is the magic for content creation.

It is called re-purposing which means you take the initial content source and then recreate the information into other formats. Now there is a reason I have listed the formats in the order I have because everything starts with video.

Do The Work Once 

repurposing content

When you create a video, it can be all be done within a matter minutes to create the content. Usually you are going to look at creating videos between 4 – 10 minutes. So that means you press record on your camera or phone and shoot your video.

After that there will be some editing to do but in realty the process of creating a video is not that long. So, you have your main format which you upload to YouTube, Vimeo, or any other video hosting platform. This will be edited along with creating nice attractive thumbnails and graphics.

The raw video which you initially shot is the source for the other formats. Your video can be uploaded to a transcription service such as Sonix or What they do is create a text document for you which can then be formatted into a blog post on you website/blog.

Whatever video editing software you use you can rip the audio from it to create an MP3 which can then be uploaded to a Podcasting platform such as Buzzsprout or Transistor. Therefore, you can have your own radio station online to share your content.

Finally, and this takes a little more time you can create infographics from the main points of your content. Platforms such as have infographic templates that you can use to create your own infographics. These can then be posted on your blog or on image sharing social media sites.

This is how you 4x your content from source. So, by my maths you can take the initial 60 post it notes on my board then 4x it with the categories and then 4x it again by re-purposing. Totalling 960 pieces of content which isn’t bad from a post it note exercise as explained in my previous post.

This is the content creation strategy I share with my Build Your AU members. To learn more about Build Your AU to create your personal brand please click on the image below.

build your au mastermind video series

Helping you build your authenticity, authority and audience.

Trish Davies

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Build Your AU